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Ομοσπονδίας Εργοδοτών & Βιομ. Κύπρου, 4,
2000, Λευκωσία, ΚύπροςPrevious Address
Address: Unlock by purchasing a report.
The information shown above may be outdated. To obtain the most current and complete information about this company, order a reportDirectors and Secretary
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΟΝΟΥΦΡΙΟΥ (CHRISTOS ONOUPHRIOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ ΑΛΕΤΡΑΡΗΣ (DEMETRIOS ALETRARES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΓΑΠΙΟΣ ΚΥΠΡΙΑΝΟΥ (AGAPIOS KYPRIANOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΠΑΓΛΑΣ (GIORGOS PAGLAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΘΑΝΑΣΗΣ ΤΣΩΚΟΣ, Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΑ ΙΑΚΩΒΙΔΟΥ (CHRISTIANA IAKOBIDOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΜΑΛΕΚΚΟΣ (GIORGOS MALEKKOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΝΤΑΒΟΣ, Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΤΟΥΛΟΥΡΑΣ (PANAGIOTES TOULOURAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΚΑΡΣΕΡΑΣ (ANTONES KARSERAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΜΙΣΙΡΛΗΣ (GIANNES MISIRLES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΦΥΛΑΚΤΟΥ (GIORGOS PHYLAKTOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΔΟΥΛΙΔΗΣ (GIORGOS CHRISTODOULIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ (CHRISTOS CHRISTOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ ΚΑΠΕΤΑΝΙΟΣ, Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΑΡΙΝΟΣ ΒΟΥΚΗΣ (MARINOS BOUKES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΟΥΛΛΑ ΓΙΑΓΚΟΥ (ANDROULLA GIANKOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΘΑΝΟΣ ΜΙΧΑΗΛΙΔΗΣ (THANOS MICHAELIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΟΦΟΡΟΣ ΠΟΤΑΜΙΤΗΣ (CHRISTOPHOROS POTAMITES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ (PANIKOS NIKOLAOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΥΠΡΟΣ ΣΤΑΥΡΙΔΗΣ (KYPROS STAURIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΚΑΡΑΙΣΚΑΚΗΣ (MARIOS KARAISKAKES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΝΙΚΟΣ ΓΑΒΡΙΗΛ (NIKOS GABRIEL), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΑ ΔΙΟΓΕΝΟΥΣ, Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΝΙΚΟΣ Σ. ΚΥΡΙΑΚΙΔΗΣ (NIKOS S. KYRIAKIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΜΙΤΣΙΓΙΩΡΓΗΣ (GIORGOS MITSIGIORGES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΣ ΠΑΤΡΙΚΗΣ (ATHANASIOS PATRIKES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΛΙΛΙΑΝ ΠΕΤΡΟΥ (LILIAN PETROU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΣ ΠΙΕΡΙΔΗΣ (STEPHANOS PIERIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΣ ΧΡΥΣΟΧΟΣ (KYRIAKOS CHRYSOCHOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΝΑ ΜΟΥΣΚΗ (ANNA MOUSKE), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΙΧΑΛΗΣ ΛΟΥΚΑ (MICHALES LOUKA), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΩΤΗΡΗΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ (SOTERES KONSTANTINOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑ ΜΙΧΑΗΛ (ANTONIA MICHAEL), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΝΗΣΙΩΤΗΣ (DEMETRES NESIOTES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΝΙΚΟΛΑΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ (NIKOLAS NIKOLAOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΔΗΣ (MARIOS PANAGIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ (ANDREAS PAPADOPOULOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΑΚΗΣ ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΥΣ (CHRISTAKES CHARALAMPOUS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΕΤΡΟΣ ΑΓΑΘΑΓΓΕΛΟΥ (PETROS AGATHANGELOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΕΥΗ ΡΩΣΣΙΔΟΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑΔΟΥ (EUE ROSSIDOU ANTONIADOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΤΕΛΙΟΣ ΓΑΒΡΙΗΛ (STELIOS GABRIEL), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΙΔΗΣ (ANDREAS IOANNIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΕΛΕΝΗ ΜΑΡΑΓΚΟΥ (ELENE MARANKOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΝΕΟΚΛΕΟΥΣ (ANDREAS NEOKLEOUS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΣ ΤΖΙΛΑΛΗΣ (ANASTASIOS TZILALES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΘΕΟΔOΤΟΥ (GIORGOS THEODOTOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΜΥΛΩΝΑΣ (ANDREAS MYLONAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΘΕΜΗΣ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ (THEMES PAPADOPOULOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΠΑΡΜΑΚΛΗΣ (KONSTANTINOS PARMAKLES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ ΠΟΛΥΚΑΡΠΟΥ (EURIPIDES POLYKARPOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΑΡΙΝΟΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΙΟΥ (MARINOS SOTERIOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΣ (ANDREAS CHATZEKYRIAKOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΙΧΑΛΗΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΥ (MICHALES CHATZEPANAGIOTOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΠΑΝΤΕΛΗΣ (PANIKOS CHATZEPANTELES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.EVAN GAVAS, Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΖΟΡΠΑΣ (DEMETRES ZORPAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΔΕΣΠΟΙΝΑ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΥ ΘΕΟΔΟΣΙΟΥ (DESPOINA PANAGIOTOU THEODOSIOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΛΥΣΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ (LYSANDROS IOANNOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΑΚΗΣ ΚΕΤΩΝΗΣ (MAKES KETONES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ ΠΑΝΤΖΙΑΡΗΣ (STAUROS PANTZIARES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΙΧΑΛΗΣ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ (MICHALES PAPADOPOULOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΧΡΥΣΟΧΟΣ (GIORGOS CHRYSOCHOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΑΡΙΑ ΒΑΡΚΑΡΗ (MARIA BARKARE), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΑΚΗ (KOSTAS GIANNAKE), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΒΑΣΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΑΔΗΣ (BASOS DEMETRIADES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΑΒΒΑΣ ΚΟΣΙΗΣ (SABBAS KOSIES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΕΝΤΑΚΗΣ (KONSTANTINOS KOUTENTAKES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ (ANTONES KONSTANTINOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΒΑΓΓΕΛΗΣ ΜΟΣΧΟΣ (BANGELES MOSCHOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΙΔΗΣ (GIORGOS NIKOLAIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΠΑΝΤΕΛΙΔΗΣ (GIORGOS PANTELIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΠΑΠΑΜΙΧΑΗΛ (PANAGIOTES PAPAMICHAEL), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΘΟΥΛΗΣ ΠΑΠΑΧΡΙΣΤΟΦΟΡΟΥ (ANTHOULES PAPACHRISTOPHOROU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΛΟΥΙΖΑ ΝΕΜΙΤΣΑ ΠΕΤΕΒΗ (LOUIZA NEMITSA PETEBE), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΠΙΠΗΣ (GIORGOS PIPES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΒΡΑΑΜ ΠΙΤΤΑΚΗΣ (ABRAAM PITTAKES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΤΩΝΗΣ ΤΟΥΜΑΖΗΣ (TONES TOUMAZES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ (PANAGIOTES CHRISTODOULOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΓΑΛΑΤΑΡΙΩΤΗΣ (GIORGOS GALATARIOTES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΚΟΥΝΤΟΥΡΗΣ (ANTONES KOUNTOURES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΟΥΛΛΑ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΙΔΟΥ (ANDROULLA KONSTANTINIDOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΛΟΡΔΟΣ (DEMETRES LORDOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΥ (CHARALAMPOS PANAGIOTOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΠΕΤΣΑΣ (ANDREAS PETSAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΩΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΣΟΛΟΜΙΔΗΣ (SOKRATES SOLOMIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΕΛΙΣΑΒΕΤ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ (ELISABET PHILIPPOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΑΓΚΟΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ (GIANKOS CHATZEGIANNES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΟΣ (MARIOS AMERIKANOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΑΝΝΙΝΟΣ (ALEXES ANNINOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΓΡΗΓΟΡΑΣ (GIORGOS GREGORAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΛΑΚΗΣ ΖΩΤΙΑΔΗΣ (LAKES ZOTIADES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΛΑΥΡΑ ΗΡΑΚΛΕΟΥΣ (LAURA ERAKLEOUS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΦΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΡΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ (PHANOS KARANTONES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΙΚΟΥΛΑ ΚΟΤΣΑΠΑ (KIKOULA KOTSAPA), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΟΛΩΜΟΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΥ (SOLOMOS KYRIAKOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΣΙΩΤΗΣ (PAULOS PARADEISIOTES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΦΩΤΙΑΔΗΣ (PAULOS PHOTIADES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΙΔΗΣ (ALEXES CHARALAMPIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΠΥΡΟΣ ΚΑΡΑΟΛΗΣ (SPYROS KARAOLES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΑΡΙΟΣ Α. ΚΛΕΙΤΟΥ (MARIOS A. KLEITOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΥ (KYRIAKOS KYRIAKOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΣΟΥΚΙΟΥΡΟΓΛΟΥ (IOANNES SOUKIOUROGLOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ (ANTONIOS ANTONIOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΙΔΗΣ (ANDREAS IOANNIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ (ANTONES NIKOLAOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ (MARIOS NIKOLAOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΑΚΗΣ Π. ΠΑΠΑΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΥ (CHRISTAKES P. PAPABASILEIOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΡΟΥΣΙΑΣ (KOSTAS ROUSIAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ (GIORGOS GEORGIOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΔΕΚΑΤΡΗΣ (KONSTANTINOS DEKATRES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΘΩΜΑΣ ΚΑΖΑΚΟΣ (THOMAS KAZAKOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΠΕΤΡΟΥ (GEORGIOS PETROU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΠΑΥΛΗΣ (GEORGIOS CHATZEPAULES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΚΑΣΙΟΥΡΗΣ (ANDREAS KASIOURES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΛΟΥΗΣ ΛΟΙΖΟΥ (LOUES LOIZOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΑΝΝΟΣ ΠΑΝΤΑΖΗΣ (GIANNOS PANTAZES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΠΑΠΑΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ (CHRISTOS PAPAELLENAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΙΑΝΝΟΣ ΖΕΜΠΥΛΑΣ (GIANNOS ZEMPYLAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΛΕΟΒΟΥΛΟΣ (ΛΑΚΗΣ) ΤΟΦΑΡΙΔΗΣ (KLEOBOULOS (LAKES) TOPHARIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΤΑΣΟΣ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΥ (TASOS ANASTASIOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΤΣΙΜΟΝ (CHRISTOS TSIMON), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ Χ. ΑΡΤΕΜΗΣ (ANDREAS CH. ARTEMES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΥΜΕΩΝ ΚΑΣΣΙΑΝΙΔΗΣ (SYMEON KASSIANIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΩΤΟΣ ΛΟΗΣ (SOTOS LOES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΚΟΙΡΑΝΙΔΗΣ (PAULOS KOIRANIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΑΚΗΣ ΜΙΧΑΗΛΙΔΗΣ (CHRISTAKES MICHAELIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑΔΗΣ (PANAGIOTES ANTONIADES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΒΑΚΗΣ (DEMETRES BAKES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΦΙΛΙΟΣ ΖΑΧΑΡΙΑΔΗΣ (PHILIOS ZACHARIADES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ ΠΙΕΡΙΔΟΥ ΚΑΡΑΝΤΩΚΗ (DEMETRA PIERIDOU KARANTOKE), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΠΙΤΤΑΣ (ANDREAS PITTAS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΒΥΡΩΝ ΚΡΑΝΙΔΙΩΤΗΣ (BYRON KRANIDIOTES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΛΟΡΔΟΣ (KONSTANTINOS LORDOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΙΧΑΛΑΚΗΣ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ (MICHALAKES ANTONIOU), Secretary
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.The information shown above may be outdated. To obtain the most current and complete information about this company, order a report-
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Access and download Financial Statements, if available and submited to the Registrar of companies, for the company ΟΜΟΣΠΟΝΔΙΑ ΕΡΓΟΔΟΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ
ΟΜΟΣΠΟΝΔΙΑ ΕΡΓΟΔΟΤΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΒΙΟΜΗΧΑΝΩΝ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ (OMOSPONDIA ERGODOTON KAI BIOMECHANON KYPROU) is an Organisation that is registered with the Cyprus Registrar Of Companies as Limited Company as well as an additional type of By Guarantee without Share Capital and the Registration Date of this entity was on 09/05/1961.
The official Company Registrar for the Republic of Cyprus, has the company listed in its registry with the Registration Number of ΗΕ 979 and the current Organisation status of the company is Active while the Name Status is Current Name.
The official Registered Office address that we have on record as obtained from the Cyprus Company Registry for this organisation, is Ομοσπονδίας Εργοδοτών & Βιομ. Κύπρου, 4, , Στρόβολος, 2000, Λευκωσία, Κύπρος. Unfortunately, this may not be the most current address, as the information listed here was retrieved in the past, so to make sure you have the most current address details, please order a report.
Our records indicate there are 136 officers listed for the company. These persons are as follows: ΑΝΘΙΜΟΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ (ANTHIMOS IOANNOU) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΟΝΟΥΦΡΙΟΥ (CHRISTOS ONOUPHRIOU) who was appointed as Director, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΣ ΑΛΕΤΡΑΡΗΣ (DEMETRIOS ALETRARES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΓΑΠΙΟΣ ΚΥΠΡΙΑΝΟΥ (AGAPIOS KYPRIANOU) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΠΑΓΛΑΣ (GIORGOS PAGLAS) who was appointed as Director, ΘΑΝΑΣΗΣ ΤΣΩΚΟΣ who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΑ ΙΑΚΩΒΙΔΟΥ (CHRISTIANA IAKOBIDOU) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΜΑΛΕΚΚΟΣ (GIORGOS MALEKKOS) who was appointed as Director, ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΝΤΑΒΟΣ who was appointed as Director, ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΤΟΥΛΟΥΡΑΣ (PANAGIOTES TOULOURAS) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΚΑΡΣΕΡΑΣ (ANTONES KARSERAS) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΜΙΣΙΡΛΗΣ (GIANNES MISIRLES) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΦΥΛΑΚΤΟΥ (GIORGOS PHYLAKTOU) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΔΟΥΛΙΔΗΣ (GIORGOS CHRISTODOULIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ (CHRISTOS CHRISTOU) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΡΑΚΛΗΣ ΚΑΠΕΤΑΝΙΟΣ who was appointed as Director, ΜΑΡΙΝΟΣ ΒΟΥΚΗΣ (MARINOS BOUKES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΟΥΛΛΑ ΓΙΑΓΚΟΥ (ANDROULLA GIANKOU) who was appointed as Director, ΘΑΝΟΣ ΜΙΧΑΗΛΙΔΗΣ (THANOS MICHAELIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΦΟΡΟΣ ΠΟΤΑΜΙΤΗΣ (CHRISTOPHOROS POTAMITES) who was appointed as Director, ΠΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ (PANIKOS NIKOLAOU) who was appointed as Director, ΚΥΠΡΟΣ ΣΤΑΥΡΙΔΗΣ (KYPROS STAURIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΚΑΡΑΙΣΚΑΚΗΣ (MARIOS KARAISKAKES) who was appointed as Director, ΝΙΚΟΣ ΓΑΒΡΙΗΛ (NIKOS GABRIEL) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΙΑΝΑ ΔΙΟΓΕΝΟΥΣ who was appointed as Director, ΝΙΚΟΣ Σ. ΚΥΡΙΑΚΙΔΗΣ (NIKOS S. KYRIAKIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΜΙΤΣΙΓΙΩΡΓΗΣ (GIORGOS MITSIGIORGES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΟΣ ΠΑΤΡΙΚΗΣ (ATHANASIOS PATRIKES) who was appointed as Director, ΛΙΛΙΑΝ ΠΕΤΡΟΥ (LILIAN PETROU) who was appointed as Director, ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΣ ΠΙΕΡΙΔΗΣ (STEPHANOS PIERIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΣ ΧΡΥΣΟΧΟΣ (KYRIAKOS CHRYSOCHOS) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΝΑ ΜΟΥΣΚΗ (ANNA MOUSKE) who was appointed as Director, ΜΙΧΑΛΗΣ ΛΟΥΚΑ (MICHALES LOUKA) who was appointed as Director, ΣΩΤΗΡΗΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ (SOTERES KONSTANTINOU) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑ ΜΙΧΑΗΛ (ANTONIA MICHAEL) who was appointed as Director, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΝΗΣΙΩΤΗΣ (DEMETRES NESIOTES) who was appointed as Director, ΝΙΚΟΛΑΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ (NIKOLAS NIKOLAOU) who was appointed as Director, ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΔΗΣ (MARIOS PANAGIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ (ANDREAS PAPADOPOULOS) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΑΚΗΣ ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΥΣ (CHRISTAKES CHARALAMPOUS) who was appointed as Director, ΠΕΤΡΟΣ ΑΓΑΘΑΓΓΕΛΟΥ (PETROS AGATHANGELOU) who was appointed as Director, ΕΥΗ ΡΩΣΣΙΔΟΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑΔΟΥ (EUE ROSSIDOU ANTONIADOU) who was appointed as Director, ΣΤΕΛΙΟΣ ΓΑΒΡΙΗΛ (STELIOS GABRIEL) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΙΔΗΣ (ANDREAS IOANNIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΕΛΕΝΗ ΜΑΡΑΓΚΟΥ (ELENE MARANKOU) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΝΕΟΚΛΕΟΥΣ (ANDREAS NEOKLEOUS) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΣ ΤΖΙΛΑΛΗΣ (ANASTASIOS TZILALES) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΘΕΟΔOΤΟΥ (GIORGOS THEODOTOU) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΜΥΛΩΝΑΣ (ANDREAS MYLONAS) who was appointed as Director, ΘΕΜΗΣ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ (THEMES PAPADOPOULOS) who was appointed as Director, ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΠΑΡΜΑΚΛΗΣ (KONSTANTINOS PARMAKLES) who was appointed as Director, ΕΥΡΙΠΙΔΗΣ ΠΟΛΥΚΑΡΠΟΥ (EURIPIDES POLYKARPOU) who was appointed as Director, ΜΑΡΙΝΟΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΙΟΥ (MARINOS SOTERIOU) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΣ (ANDREAS CHATZEKYRIAKOS) who was appointed as Director, ΜΙΧΑΛΗΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΥ (MICHALES CHATZEPANAGIOTOU) who was appointed as Director, ΠΑΝΙΚΟΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΠΑΝΤΕΛΗΣ (PANIKOS CHATZEPANTELES) who was appointed as Director, EVAN GAVAS who was appointed as Director, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΖΟΡΠΑΣ (DEMETRES ZORPAS) who was appointed as Director, ΔΕΣΠΟΙΝΑ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΥ ΘΕΟΔΟΣΙΟΥ (DESPOINA PANAGIOTOU THEODOSIOU) who was appointed as Director, ΛΥΣΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΟΥ (LYSANDROS IOANNOU) who was appointed as Director, ΜΑΚΗΣ ΚΕΤΩΝΗΣ (MAKES KETONES) who was appointed as Director, ΣΤΑΥΡΟΣ ΠΑΝΤΖΙΑΡΗΣ (STAUROS PANTZIARES) who was appointed as Director, ΜΙΧΑΛΗΣ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ (MICHALES PAPADOPOULOS) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΧΡΥΣΟΧΟΣ (GIORGOS CHRYSOCHOS) who was appointed as Director, ΜΑΡΙΑ ΒΑΡΚΑΡΗ (MARIA BARKARE) who was appointed as Director, ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΓΙΑΝΝΑΚΗ (KOSTAS GIANNAKE) who was appointed as Director, ΒΑΣΟΣ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΑΔΗΣ (BASOS DEMETRIADES) who was appointed as Director, ΣΑΒΒΑΣ ΚΟΣΙΗΣ (SABBAS KOSIES) who was appointed as Director, ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΚΟΥΤΕΝΤΑΚΗΣ (KONSTANTINOS KOUTENTAKES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥ (ANTONES KONSTANTINOU) who was appointed as Director, ΒΑΓΓΕΛΗΣ ΜΟΣΧΟΣ (BANGELES MOSCHOS) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΙΔΗΣ (GIORGOS NIKOLAIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΠΑΝΤΕΛΙΔΗΣ (GIORGOS PANTELIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΠΑΠΑΜΙΧΑΗΛ (PANAGIOTES PAPAMICHAEL) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΘΟΥΛΗΣ ΠΑΠΑΧΡΙΣΤΟΦΟΡΟΥ (ANTHOULES PAPACHRISTOPHOROU) who was appointed as Director, ΛΟΥΙΖΑ ΝΕΜΙΤΣΑ ΠΕΤΕΒΗ (LOUIZA NEMITSA PETEBE) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΠΙΠΗΣ (GIORGOS PIPES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΒΡΑΑΜ ΠΙΤΤΑΚΗΣ (ABRAAM PITTAKES) who was appointed as Director, ΤΩΝΗΣ ΤΟΥΜΑΖΗΣ (TONES TOUMAZES) who was appointed as Director, ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΔΟΥΛΟΥ (PANAGIOTES CHRISTODOULOU) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΓΑΛΑΤΑΡΙΩΤΗΣ (GIORGOS GALATARIOTES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΚΟΥΝΤΟΥΡΗΣ (ANTONES KOUNTOURES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΟΥΛΛΑ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΙΔΟΥ (ANDROULLA KONSTANTINIDOU) who was appointed as Director, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΛΟΡΔΟΣ (DEMETRES LORDOS) who was appointed as Director, ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΟΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΟΥ (CHARALAMPOS PANAGIOTOU) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΠΕΤΣΑΣ (ANDREAS PETSAS) who was appointed as Director, ΣΩΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΣΟΛΟΜΙΔΗΣ (SOKRATES SOLOMIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΕΛΙΣΑΒΕΤ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ (ELISABET PHILIPPOU) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΑΓΚΟΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ (GIANKOS CHATZEGIANNES) who was appointed as Director, ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΟΣ (MARIOS AMERIKANOS) who was appointed as Director, ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΑΝΝΙΝΟΣ (ALEXES ANNINOS) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΓΡΗΓΟΡΑΣ (GIORGOS GREGORAS) who was appointed as Director, ΛΑΚΗΣ ΖΩΤΙΑΔΗΣ (LAKES ZOTIADES) who was appointed as Director, ΛΑΥΡΑ ΗΡΑΚΛΕΟΥΣ (LAURA ERAKLEOUS) who was appointed as Director, ΦΑΝΟΣ ΚΑΡΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ (PHANOS KARANTONES) who was appointed as Director, ΚΙΚΟΥΛΑ ΚΟΤΣΑΠΑ (KIKOULA KOTSAPA) who was appointed as Director, ΣΟΛΩΜΟΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΥ (SOLOMOS KYRIAKOU) who was appointed as Director, ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΣΙΩΤΗΣ (PAULOS PARADEISIOTES) who was appointed as Director, ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΦΩΤΙΑΔΗΣ (PAULOS PHOTIADES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΛΕΞΗΣ ΧΑΡΑΛΑΜΠΙΔΗΣ (ALEXES CHARALAMPIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΣΠΥΡΟΣ ΚΑΡΑΟΛΗΣ (SPYROS KARAOLES) who was appointed as Director, ΜΑΡΙΟΣ Α. ΚΛΕΙΤΟΥ (MARIOS A. KLEITOU) who was appointed as Director, ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΟΥ (KYRIAKOS KYRIAKOU) who was appointed as Director, ΙΩΑΝΝΗΣ ΣΟΥΚΙΟΥΡΟΓΛΟΥ (IOANNES SOUKIOUROGLOU) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΣ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ (ANTONIOS ANTONIOU) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΙΩΑΝΝΙΔΗΣ (ANDREAS IOANNIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΤΩΝΗΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ (ANTONES NIKOLAOU) who was appointed as Director, ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ (MARIOS NIKOLAOU) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΑΚΗΣ Π. ΠΑΠΑΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΥ (CHRISTAKES P. PAPABASILEIOU) who was appointed as Director, ΚΩΣΤΑΣ ΡΟΥΣΙΑΣ (KOSTAS ROUSIAS) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΥ (GIORGOS GEORGIOU) who was appointed as Director, ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΔΕΚΑΤΡΗΣ (KONSTANTINOS DEKATRES) who was appointed as Director, ΘΩΜΑΣ ΚΑΖΑΚΟΣ (THOMAS KAZAKOS) who was appointed as Director, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΠΕΤΡΟΥ (GEORGIOS PETROU) who was appointed as Director, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΧΑΤΖΗΠΑΥΛΗΣ (GEORGIOS CHATZEPAULES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΚΑΣΙΟΥΡΗΣ (ANDREAS KASIOURES) who was appointed as Director, ΛΟΥΗΣ ΛΟΙΖΟΥ (LOUES LOIZOU) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΑΝΝΟΣ ΠΑΝΤΑΖΗΣ (GIANNOS PANTAZES) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΠΑΠΑΕΛΛΗΝΑΣ (CHRISTOS PAPAELLENAS) who was appointed as Director, ΓΙΑΝΝΟΣ ΖΕΜΠΥΛΑΣ (GIANNOS ZEMPYLAS) who was appointed as Director, ΚΛΕΟΒΟΥΛΟΣ (ΛΑΚΗΣ) ΤΟΦΑΡΙΔΗΣ (KLEOBOULOS (LAKES) TOPHARIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΤΑΣΟΣ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΥ (TASOS ANASTASIOU) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΤΣΙΜΟΝ (CHRISTOS TSIMON) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ Χ. ΑΡΤΕΜΗΣ (ANDREAS CH. ARTEMES) who was appointed as Director, ΣΥΜΕΩΝ ΚΑΣΣΙΑΝΙΔΗΣ (SYMEON KASSIANIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΣΩΤΟΣ ΛΟΗΣ (SOTOS LOES) who was appointed as Director, ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΚΟΙΡΑΝΙΔΗΣ (PAULOS KOIRANIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΑΚΗΣ ΜΙΧΑΗΛΙΔΗΣ (CHRISTAKES MICHAELIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΗΣ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΑΔΗΣ (PANAGIOTES ANTONIADES) who was appointed as Director, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΒΑΚΗΣ (DEMETRES BAKES) who was appointed as Director, ΦΙΛΙΟΣ ΖΑΧΑΡΙΑΔΗΣ (PHILIOS ZACHARIADES) who was appointed as Director, ΔΗΜΗΤΡΑ ΠΙΕΡΙΔΟΥ ΚΑΡΑΝΤΩΚΗ (DEMETRA PIERIDOU KARANTOKE) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΠΙΤΤΑΣ (ANDREAS PITTAS) who was appointed as Director, ΒΥΡΩΝ ΚΡΑΝΙΔΙΩΤΗΣ (BYRON KRANIDIOTES) who was appointed as Director, ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΛΟΡΔΟΣ (KONSTANTINOS LORDOS) who was appointed as Director, ΜΙΧΑΛΑΚΗΣ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ (MICHALAKES ANTONIOU) who was appointed as Secretary. The company may have more directors and secretaries that are not listed here as the information may not have been retrieved recently.Since the information displayed may not have been updated recently, it is recommended to buy a report with more up to date information about the company.