ΗΕ 332859
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Γρίβα Διγενή 38 & Δεληγιώργη 3,
1509, Λευκωσία, ΚύπροςPrevious Address
Address: Unlock by purchasing a report.
The information shown above may be outdated. To obtain the most current and complete information about this company, order a reportDirectors and Secretary
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΛΟΥΚΑΣ ΖΟΥΡΙΔΗΣ (LOUKAS ZOURIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΤΡΕΑΣ ΘΕΟΧΑΡΙΔΗΣ (ANTREAS THEOCHARIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΤΥΛΙΑΝΟΣ ΛΟΙΖΙΔΗΣ (STYLIANOS LOIZIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΙΧΑΗΛ ΜΙΧΑΗΛ (MICHAEL MICHAEL), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΤΥΛΙΑΝΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ (STYLIANOS NIKOLAOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΙΧΑΛΑΚΗΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΔΗΣ (MICHALAKES PANAGIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΠΑΠΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ (ANDREAS PAPANTONIOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΣΙΩΤΗΣ (PAULOS PARADEISIOTES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΣΟΦΙΑ ΠΑΣΧΑΛΙΔΟΥ (SOPHIA PASCHALIDOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΣΚΟΡΔΕΛΛΗΣ (CHRISTOS SKORDELLES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΤΣΑΚΚΙΣΤΟΣ (GEORGIOS TSAKKISTOS), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΦΩΤΙΑΔΗΣ (CHRISTOS PHOTIADES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΜΙΚΕΛΛΗΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ (MIKELLES CHRISTOU), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΛΟΪΖΙΔΗΣ (GEORGIOS LOIZIDES), Director
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.LEXACT LIMITED, Secretary
Address: Purchase a report to see this information.
Country: Purchase a report to see this information.
Date of Appointment: Purchase a report to see this information.
Previous Address: Purchase a report to see this information.The information shown above may be outdated. To obtain the most current and complete information about this company, order a reportDocuments
Purchase a report to see documents on file for RETAIL EFFICIENCY ASSOCIATION (REA) LIMITED
Shareholder details are included in the full reports:
Share Capital
Shareholder Information
Number of Shares and DistributionMortgage
Mortgage details, if applicable, are provided in the full reports, including, but not limited to:
All Requested Mortgages
Acquisition Dates
Charged Property Details
Secured Amounts
BeneficiariesFinancial Information
Access and download Financial Statements, if available and submited to the Registrar of companies, for the company RETAIL EFFICIENCY ASSOCIATION (REA) LIMITED
RETAIL EFFICIENCY ASSOCIATION (REA) LIMITED is an Organisation that is registered with the Cyprus Registrar Of Companies as Limited Company as well as an additional type of By Guarantee without Share Capital and the Registration Date of this entity was on 29/05/2014.
The official Company Registrar for the Republic of Cyprus, has the company listed in its registry with the Registration Number of ΗΕ 332859 and the current Organisation status of the company is Active while the Name Status is Previous Name.
The official Registered Office address that we have on record as obtained from the Cyprus Company Registry for this organisation, is Γρίβα Διγενή 38 & Δεληγιώργη 3, , KEBE BUILDING, , 1509, Λευκωσία, Κύπρος. Unfortunately, this may not be the most current address, as the information listed here was retrieved in the past, so to make sure you have the most current address details, please order a report.
Our records indicate there are 16 officers listed for the company. These persons are as follows: ΜΑΡΙΟΣ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ (MARIOS ANTONIOU) who was appointed as Director, ΛΟΥΚΑΣ ΖΟΥΡΙΔΗΣ (LOUKAS ZOURIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΤΡΕΑΣ ΘΕΟΧΑΡΙΔΗΣ (ANTREAS THEOCHARIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΣΤΥΛΙΑΝΟΣ ΛΟΙΖΙΔΗΣ (STYLIANOS LOIZIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΜΙΧΑΗΛ ΜΙΧΑΗΛ (MICHAEL MICHAEL) who was appointed as Director, ΣΤΥΛΙΑΝΟΣ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ (STYLIANOS NIKOLAOU) who was appointed as Director, ΜΙΧΑΛΑΚΗΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΔΗΣ (MICHALAKES PANAGIDES) who was appointed as Director, ΑΝΔΡΕΑΣ ΠΑΠΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ (ANDREAS PAPANTONIOU) who was appointed as Director, ΠΑΥΛΟΣ ΠΑΡΑΔΕΙΣΙΩΤΗΣ (PAULOS PARADEISIOTES) who was appointed as Director, ΣΟΦΙΑ ΠΑΣΧΑΛΙΔΟΥ (SOPHIA PASCHALIDOU) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΣΚΟΡΔΕΛΛΗΣ (CHRISTOS SKORDELLES) who was appointed as Director, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΤΣΑΚΚΙΣΤΟΣ (GEORGIOS TSAKKISTOS) who was appointed as Director, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΦΩΤΙΑΔΗΣ (CHRISTOS PHOTIADES) who was appointed as Director, ΜΙΚΕΛΛΗΣ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΥ (MIKELLES CHRISTOU) who was appointed as Director, ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΛΟΪΖΙΔΗΣ (GEORGIOS LOIZIDES) who was appointed as Director, LEXACT LIMITED who was appointed as Secretary. The company may have more directors and secretaries that are not listed here as the information may not have been retrieved recently.Since the information displayed may not have been updated recently, it is recommended to buy a report with more up to date information about the company.